What is this?

This is a 3th party repository for ZyXEL and some Medion NASses. You can find the available packages in the /fw4 or /fw5 directory, depending on your NAS model. To get access to it, you'll have to install the package MetaRepository.
Basically that is a CGI script which runs locally on the NAS. Using the web_prefix file the firmware package manager is pointed to it. The script downloads the ZYPKG_INFO.tgz or ZYPKGS file from several repositories, and combines that to a single file, on base of (alphabetically) sorting the packages. Further it keeps a database of origin of all those packages, and when requested it downloads and offers them.

How to install

Step 1

Download the web_prefix file (rightclick the link and choose 'save link as' or equivalent). Put the file in the directory \\<NAS>\admin\zy-pkgs\ Make sure your browser doesn't add any extensions to the file. The filename is web_prefix, without extension, all lowercase characters.

NAS5xx, NAS326

(Firmware 5.10+ only) On this NAS there is no subdirectory zy-pkgs in \\<NAS>\admin\. Just create one.

NSA-212 (Medion)

For the NSA212, there is no support for the web_prefix file, so the procedure is a bit different. Enable the Telnet Backdoor, login over telnet (as root), and execute
echo http://zyxel.ddnss.eu/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/Medion >/etc/package_src_url

Step 2

NSA series

In the packages menu in the webinterface execute 'Retreive list from Internet'. Install MetaRepository. Execute 'Retreive list from Internet' again.

NAS series

On the webinterface desktop, open the 'App Centre'. Goto 'Browse->All Apps'. Now there is a cycle icon on the page. Push it. install MetaRepository. Push the cycle icon again.


In the package menu in the webinterface execute 'Retreive list from Internet'. Do not try to install anything else than MetaRepository. When MetaRepsitory is installed, goto the MetaRepository page, and change 'ftp://ftp2.zyxel.com/+' in 'ftp://ftp2.zyxel.com/NSA310/4.40/zypkg/' (without the quotes), and if you also want the Medion repository add a line 'ftp://nas-download:sEhtalr@download.medion.de/package/'. Now hit apply, and re-retreive the package list. Warning: not all ZyXEL packages run on a Medion. Make sure you first install dropbear, and test it, to have an entrance if the webinterface fails.

How to configure

NSA series, Medion

In the package menu you can open the configuration page of MetaRepository.

NAS series

On the desktop you'll find a MetaRepository icon to open the configuration page.

Here you can enter the source repositories. When a package with the same name and version can be found in several repositories, the repository highest in this list is used. Further you can blacklist packages.

How to create your own (local) repository

Just put the package(s) in a share, in combination with a describing ZYPKGS file (case sensitive). Add the full path to the 'Repositories' list. Done. You can also supply a ZYPKG_INFO.tgz if you like. The script first tries to download/copy the ZYPKG_INFO.tgz file, and if that fails it tries ZYPKGS.

Telnet backdoor

On Medion boxes it is possible to start a telnet daemon on the NAS, by requesting a webpage:
Firmware 1.00:
Firmware 1.01(UZD.0):
Firmware 1.01(UZD.2):
You can login as admin, or as root, using the admin web password.

If your firmware version is not listed here, login on the webinterface of your nas, and have a look at the url to find out the 'r value' of your firmware version. Some browsers won't show this, in that case copy the url and paste it in notepad, or something like that.

(On most NSA boxes this telnet backdoor also works. Just find the 'r value' of your firmware. For other options read this.)